On the 18th of April 2011 our whole school went to the science museum ‚Technorama‘ in Winterthur, Switzerland.
17 forms and 30 teachers went there with 10 buses.
The Technorama is a science museum where you can watch shows about lightnings and gases, get hands-on experience in the youth lab or have a go at a lot of experiments yourself.
After arriving there we first went to the youth lab to do experiments. The lightning show afterwards was cool because we were allowed to touch the lightnings.
For lunch we had chips, chicken nuggets or our own sandwiches.
The next two hours we walked around the museum and tried some of the experiments there.
The final show was about ‚gases‘. They showed us how explosive some gases are and what you can do with them.
Around 4 p.m. we went back to the buses and drove back home.
All in all we think it is a really cool museum and we all had a very interesting, funny day.
Klasse 8b
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